Saturday, May 24, 2008

It is All Coming Together!

Happy Memorial Day. I absolutely love three day weekends! I don't need plans or activities to make me happy, just plain old knowing that I have a long weekend is enough for me:)

Today, we went with Lauren and Ben to pick up the baby's dresser/changing table. It is so beautiful and will look lovely in her nursery. She really is one lucky little girl. So the plan is that this Monday, we will go over to their house and finish painting and loading up the dresser drawers with all the washed and folded gowns, onesies, socks, blankets, bibs, etc.

I am excited about doing that for two reasons. The most important being that the nursery is in its final stages and coming together. The second reason is I get back my two spare closets and one of the extra bedrooms. I have literally stockpiled all the baby's things till the nursery was ready.

This last week of work was so much better for me. I am finding my groove and have been enforcing the things that I was taught. Next week I have more to learn but at least I feel ready to take on more. I am feeling my takes me a lot longer to find first gear!

We had a loss this past week...Our dog ,Toby, died on Thursday. He would have been 15 years old this November. He was blind, deaf and had dementia and we know he is better off but we sure miss him and it broke our hearts to say goodbye. You were a good dog Toby and we loved you very much.

I am still asking the Lord to please send a job Chuck's way. Not just any job but one that HE has designed for Chuck. I know first hand how hard it is to be patient and calm during unemployment but I know the Lord will be faithful to us and all will be fine. I thank you Lord, in advance for the blessings you will bestow on us.

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