A special man: Chuck's father, my handsome father-in-law, Lauren's Grandpa and Allison's Great Grandpa passed away on January 7. Thankfully Chuck and I, were able to drive up (really fast) to North Carolina to be with him for his final days. Lauren and Allison were already up there staying with the Mestas Family and her husband, Ben, was up there for a week visiting and Ben had literally just driven home to FL the day before he passed. The passing although devastating for our family brought relief to a man who suffered with so much pain in his life. He is now in Heaven pain free.
The time we spent in NC was bittersweet, as we leaned on one another and enjoyed the company of each other immensely. Laughter and tears flowed freely and stories were shared by all. Walter 'Babe' Farrell was a special man and I for one can honestly say I never met a man like him before!

Other than the above sad news, we have been getting back into a routine here in Florida. We have enjoyed having Allison (Lauren and Ben too) back over on the weekends and we even went to the zoo yesterday with her - she slept through the whole thing but when she woke up...she was one happy girl. It was a gorgeous day here in Central FL and it was a pleasure to be outside with no humidity hanging around.

Allison is enjoying food - so far just sweet potatoes and peas, oatmeal, rice cereal and apple juice but I think we may have a great eater on our hands. She eats with gusto and pretty darn neatly even if I am bragging just a bit.
Congratulations to our nephew, Jonathan and Lindsay on their engagement. Good Luck to our nephew, Gary and Heather in their move to Virginia and Heather's new job as a nurse in VA. We are anxiously awaiting the news from our niece, Melissa and Randy on the sex of their unborn child. We are looking forward to a baby shower for our niece Stephanie and on and on. So in life there is death but there is also great joy in the blessings that God gives us daily. I for one, am so very thankful for all things great and small.
Chuck is doing well, he has been awarded a "Rookie of the Year" certificate from his fire station. He passed his physical agility test and he is also on the Board of Directors for the Volunteer Fire Association. He has been so busy and I am so proud of all of his accomplishments.
He is busy enough for the both of us. Besides my joy is my home (however boring that may sound) as I have said before I am happy homebody.
Tomorrow the United States of America gets a new President and I ask God to Bless America.