Saturday, January 31, 2009

All is Well

Everything in life is going along great - this week we still have our jobs, our health and our family. I really just need the basics in life to be happy. I also find that the more I have the more I have to clean, so in the past I have really gotten into simplifying.

Chuck and I are going to be looking into possibly refinancing and taking advantage of a lower interest rate. We meet with someone next week to see if this is a good idea... I am all for lowering monthly payments and maybe even trying a 15 yr. mortgage which would make us 62 or so when the house would be paid for. Ugh that sounds so unbelievable. Have you noticed that time seems to be going faster and faster.

Lauren, Ben and Allison have been spending the weekend with us. Our Alli is sick with some type of bug. She had her shots on Wed., so her fever and lack of appetite may be from those shots but it really seems more like a bug. Poor baby is so out of it. She and I took a nice nap together and basically we all have been taking turns holding her and trying to keep her comfortable. I can't wait till she is back to her normal active self and ready to wear that pink headband again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That baby sure is cute! You sure are one lucky lady that she's your granddaughter!!