Saturday, July 12, 2008

Good, No.... GREAT News!

Chuck was offered a job. Praise the Lord. He will start in 2 weeks. He will be back into the vault and safe technician world. It seems surreal and I guess once the paychecks start rolling in I will actually believe it. The company called him on a Thursday and he interviewed on Friday morning and was offered the position. We are so grateful and happy - Once again, I thank the good Lord.

On another note...Lauren is 38 weeks and 3 days along. The picture was taken last night. She is spending this Saturday afternoon with us. She is very uncomfortable and feeling ready to give birth. She has lots of pressure and contractions but nothing regular enough to call it "serious". Chuck went to go pick her up this morning as Ben was home sleeping late. Ben is going to stay home to get things done and stay with the dogs for a while. I love having Lauren home with us. It brings back warm memories of when she was younger. I know once Allison is here, Lauren's world will forever change (for the better) and she will no longer be my only baby :)

Work is going well for me and for that I am grateful, thankful and happy. I will be keeping you all posted. I am hoping I will be holding Allison in my arms any day now!!!!

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