Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Summing it Up

It has been a while since I have written anything to post on my blog. My excuses are that I have been distracted, busy spending time with my family, lazy and just plain old not in the mood to sit still long enough to write. I can blame some of it on my laptop, it has reached the stage where I should not have been paying for high speed Internet when all it could handle was dial-up. Ben has tried to work his IT magic on it and we replaced the fan and I deleted as much garbage as I could but still it lagged behind. I am happy to say for Christmas, my wonderful husband bought me a new laptop and I am ready to try and commit to at least bi-weekly (monthly?) updates. Not that my life is that interesting but it is fun to look back and read how things go down or up!

Since I last wrote:

~ I have fallen even more in love with Allison Olivia. She is the highlight of our weekends and Chuck and I literally fall over each other just to hold her. My daughter, son-in-law and Allison come over every Friday and we eat together and hang out or lately we have been playing Wii. Lauren and Allison usually spend Sat. and Sun. afternoons with us too. It is a win-win situation for all - We get to enjoy Allison, Lauren gets to relax and Allison gets lots of hugs, kisses and attention. My son-in law either stays and visits or gets stuff done around his house (or steals a nap I am sure). We all get along and enjoy each other so it is a blessing to live close enough to see them often.

~ Chuck has been busy with his volunteer duties at the fire station. He passed a few more tests for his certification as a Firefighter. Even though he is a Volunteer Fireman - he still has to go through all the training and testing just as if he did this as a full time occupation. He really enjoys the crew of men he works with. Chuck has always been an adrenaline junkie and one to help others so this fits him perfectly. Unfortunately he hasn't been hunting this year at all and our camper up in Georgia has been neglected and I am sure needs a good cleaning. Normally by this time of year he has been up to Georgia a few dozen times but things just haven't worked out that way. I would normally join him too just to get away and enjoy the great outdoors (No, I DO NOT HUNT) but it has been nice to wake up to the crisp cold weather and be all nice and snugly in the comfort of our camper. I usually read and catch up on naps and of course keep the camper clean.

~ I am happy to say we still have our jobs and we are blessed to have paychecks coming in. We know things are fragile out there and the outcome of the election, the economy, the stock market, etc. has us a tad concerned. Chuck was recently told that in the new year if things remain slow for his company that they will need to put him on a 32 hour work week. We both know first hand how fragile employment is. Nothing like being unemployed for 5+ months to keep you looking over your shoulder for the Unemployment Reaper.

~ My mom came to visit and meet Allison. Her visit was as always enjoyable and we were able to spend quality time together and take pictures of the four generations of females which was special. She enjoyed Allison and is looking to come back out here from California soon.

~ My nephew and his wife are moving to Virginia. My niece and her husband in NC announced they are having another baby. My other niece here in FL is having a baby. My nephew in NC got engaged over Christmas. Lots of happy events.

I have hopes and prayers for 2009, as I am sure you all do. I have a grateful heart. I have a will and pride that I need to keep working on and of course the ever present extra pounds I would like to lose but I never make resolutions as I am honest enough to know I am weak. I want to tell my Husband that he is still my best friend and I love and admire him. I want to tell my daughter that she makes me proud and I think she is a wonderful mommy. I want to tell God that I am so humbled and grateful and filled with gratitude that His Son died for my sins and without Him in my life I truly would be lost.

May good health and happiness be with us all in 2009. Happy New Year.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Baby is Growing and Life is Settling

So above is the latest picture of my most favorite baby, Allison Olivia, you make Grammy very happy.

I find myself exhaling and relaxing the shoulders a bit. Chuck made a decision after much prayer and thought and we will not be relocating to North Carolina for the job offer. I am glad of course, since we can stay in our comfortable "perfect for us" home but most importantly, we remain minutes from our precious granddaughter, daughter and son-in-law. There is a small part of me that is a bit disappointed - I so want to leave this State's heat and humidity (I still hope to someday) but as much as I hate that part there are too many other parts that are great.

Life is settling in other ways too: Chuck is enjoying his volunteering duties over at the firehouse; our granddaughter is growing and becoming a happy person; I feel closer to my daughter and I so enjoy watching her become a wonderful mommy to Allison. Chuck and I are making the way back to our whacky sense of 'normal'. Chuck and I have good jobs (for today at least). Paying bills with a paycheck instead of unemployment benefits is nice.

During our period of unemployment, I knew without a shadow of a doubt we would be okay - although I am the first to say there were days of complete fear. I know that the sense of peace I was blessed with came from our Lord. I also knew if I remained faithful, HE would provide and deliver us to today. Thank you God for so many reasons.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My How the Days Fly By

My beautiful daughter Lauren and her beautiful daughter, Allison have been visiting us almost every single weekend since Allison's birth. This has been such an enjoyable and precious time for both Chuck and I. Of course we enjoy visiting with Ben and Lauren too but kissing, loving, holding and just enjoying Allison has been a TRUE and COMPLETE BLESSING!

It seems hard to believe that this Sept. 22, Allison will be 2 months old already. Time literally runs at fast speed around here. I am always telling Lauren to enjoy every single moment with Alli, even on the days she is exhausted from lack of sleep and lots of breast feeding because time has a way of flying.

I know a big time culprit is my full time job... I feel like I am either driving to or from it, ironing clothes to wear to it, making a lunch for it or actually at it! The job is going well and I have no complaints what so ever - well except that I even need to have a job at all. Ha-ha.

Right now Chuck and I are at a crossroads. We have an opportunity to move to NC with a job offer for Chuck. On one hand it is our ticket out of this hot and humid state but on the other (very heavy hand) it moves us away from our daughter, granddaughter and son-in-law. Not to mention Chuck's two sisters and their families, good friends, a beautiful house, and so on.

I am not really open to this move, but as a supportive wife, I will make the most of it for my husband. I just can't bear the thought of not spending weekends with my girls and being 9 hours away from them. I feel like they bring me some of my happiest days. I have decided that I am leaving it in God's hands. I pray and I ask Him to please guide us and put us where He wants us. I am so not capable of a decision without His guidance.

I end this update grateful as always and loving my new role as grandmother. My thoughts and prayers are with those that have been and are about to be affected by this summer's hurricanes. There has been some very bad flooding in our very own city and on our very own street. We are so fortunate to have suffered no problems and for that and many other reasons, I thank God!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Happy News and Updates

I have been away lately and for very good reasons. Our granddaughter was born July 22, at 9:11 p.m. and it has been busy around here since. I was able to be there for the birth and had the great privilege of cutting her cord. Her daddy gets a little squeamish and decided to let me have the honor. Mommy did just wonderful and was a real trooper and literally pushed her out in 40 minutes. Our beautiful Allison Olivia is here and she is such a joy.

We had a hard time deciding what to be called as grandparents, since both of our parents are known as "Grandma and Grandpa" and it seems weird for us to take those same names. So Chuck will be known as "Papa" and I am leaning towards "Mama". I know Allison will call us what she wants but if I keep referring to ourselves as Papa and Mama, it may just stick.

Chuck's job seems to be going well and he seems to like it. He is on his second week and like I say "so far...so good". My job is getting busier as the Company let someone go and of course some of that person's duties are now mine. I will continue to remind myself that I am lucky to have a job and try very hard not to complain that my pay remains the same while the workload increased.

There is much to be thankful for and I am.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Good, No.... GREAT News!

Chuck was offered a job. Praise the Lord. He will start in 2 weeks. He will be back into the vault and safe technician world. It seems surreal and I guess once the paychecks start rolling in I will actually believe it. The company called him on a Thursday and he interviewed on Friday morning and was offered the position. We are so grateful and happy - Once again, I thank the good Lord.

On another note...Lauren is 38 weeks and 3 days along. The picture was taken last night. She is spending this Saturday afternoon with us. She is very uncomfortable and feeling ready to give birth. She has lots of pressure and contractions but nothing regular enough to call it "serious". Chuck went to go pick her up this morning as Ben was home sleeping late. Ben is going to stay home to get things done and stay with the dogs for a while. I love having Lauren home with us. It brings back warm memories of when she was younger. I know once Allison is here, Lauren's world will forever change (for the better) and she will no longer be my only baby :)

Work is going well for me and for that I am grateful, thankful and happy. I will be keeping you all posted. I am hoping I will be holding Allison in my arms any day now!!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Grateful As Always

Getting ready for a long weekend, getting ready for a relaxing three days of no work and no plans. It is a "play it by ear" kind of three days.

Lauren has her 37 weeks of pregnancy Dr. visit tomorrow and her Dad will be taking her. Ben has just started a new job and can't take off and I am trying like crazy to save up my leave time for after the birth. So I can try to be around to help the new family of three out.

I want to take this time to say Happy Fourth of July to all and to thank the troops over seas for their dedication and efforts. Thank you.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Another Wonderful Weekend

I haven't posted in a while. We had a busy weekend last week, we enjoyed the Baby Shower on Saturday and then Father's Day was Sunday. It was one of the fastest weekends in a while but an absolutely enjoyable one!

Lauren and Ben received so many wonderful gifts for Allison. They are all ready for the arrival with the nursery and items all prepared and washed. I am not sure about the mental preparedness part but I know Lauren is feeling tired and uncomfortable. I am sure those of us who have had babies can remember that very long last month!

Still no job for Chuck. My job is doing very well and so am I. All in all life is beautiful. I have no complaints only gratitude. Thank you Lord for everything in our lives and may you continue to bless us as we do our best.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Happiness Abounds

I am just thankful for so many things and I want to take this time now to "Thank you Lord, for loving and blessing me and my family".

Congratulations are in order for our nephew BJ who is graduating from high school today. Wish we could have made the trip to NC to celebrate with everyone.

Happy belated and current birthday wishes to: Mike, Jack, Heather, Stephanie, Jerry, BJ, and Gary. Add Lauren and my name to this list and my mother in law has lots of cards to mail out in May and June.

Next Saturday is the Baby Shower for Lauren. The nursery is coming along great and will be done in time to show everyone at the shower. I will post more after shower and will hopefully have some pics to share.

Happy Weekend and Enjoy!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Finding My Groove

I am starting to feel like I have my groove going on again! I knew someday I would be here and while unemployed, I was so anxious to feel "normal" again. I am the kind of person who needs steadiness, routine and calmness in my life. Of course, there is a huge part of me still unsettled since Chuck is still on the unemployment list but life is starting to even out again. Now if I could just stop losing my hair. I am thinking that is how my stress manifested itself this time. I am going to need a hairpiece if I keep this up!

I had such a wonderful birthday celebration last night. Lauren and I LOVE to eat at Ichiban in Orlando and for years that is what we try to do for our birthday celebration. Since our birthday this year was on a Thursday, we got treated to two dinner celebrations, one on Thursday, at the Red Lobster close to home and then last night was the trip into Orlando for Ichiban. Yummy. We also both got a certificate to a Day Spa for a massage too. Our husbands were good to us. Thank you.

I also got a cellphone holder, which may not seem exciting at all but since Lauren is getting closer to her delivery day, I want to be able to carry my cellphone on my waist while at work. So it was a very thoughtful gift that Chuck gave me. I love that man so much.

My heart over flows with thankfulness and I just want to say that "I THANK GOD FOR HIS GOODNESS AND MERCY".

Saturday, May 24, 2008

She Has a Name!

Our granddaughter will be named "Allison Olivia", isn't that just a beautiful name!!! Oh this is going to be so fun being a grandparent! I THANK YOU GOD!

It is All Coming Together!

Happy Memorial Day. I absolutely love three day weekends! I don't need plans or activities to make me happy, just plain old knowing that I have a long weekend is enough for me:)

Today, we went with Lauren and Ben to pick up the baby's dresser/changing table. It is so beautiful and will look lovely in her nursery. She really is one lucky little girl. So the plan is that this Monday, we will go over to their house and finish painting and loading up the dresser drawers with all the washed and folded gowns, onesies, socks, blankets, bibs, etc.

I am excited about doing that for two reasons. The most important being that the nursery is in its final stages and coming together. The second reason is I get back my two spare closets and one of the extra bedrooms. I have literally stockpiled all the baby's things till the nursery was ready.

This last week of work was so much better for me. I am finding my groove and have been enforcing the things that I was taught. Next week I have more to learn but at least I feel ready to take on more. I am feeling my age....it takes me a lot longer to find first gear!

We had a loss this past week...Our dog ,Toby, died on Thursday. He would have been 15 years old this November. He was blind, deaf and had dementia and we know he is better off but we sure miss him and it broke our hearts to say goodbye. You were a good dog Toby and we loved you very much.

I am still asking the Lord to please send a job Chuck's way. Not just any job but one that HE has designed for Chuck. I know first hand how hard it is to be patient and calm during unemployment but I know the Lord will be faithful to us and all will be fine. I thank you Lord, in advance for the blessings you will bestow on us.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Why Do Weekends Fly By?

It seems like it was just Friday evening and here it is already Sunday. Now that I am among the working people, I live for the weekends. My new goal will be to live and enjoy every day no matter what day of the week it is.

After being home for that unemployment period, I do know that I will enjoy retirement (with a hefty 401K of course!) There is a certain joy in knowing you are free to do as you want, a certain peace in scheduling the things that need to be done in your time frame. A sure tranquility in being given your daily bread. I have learned that I can get by on the simple things and the love of my family. So with that being said, I am ready to sock away all I can in a retirement plan because unfortunately the world still requires you to pay bills.

I also wanted to let you all know that there is a new blog on the web. It belongs to Ben and Lauren and it is there to keep friends and family informed of their baby to be. So if interested, check it out at www.laurben.com

Happy Sunday and may we all have a great week.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Ooooh... the Excitement is Building

Our daughter emailed some pictures the other day and when I opened them, my heart was filled with excitement and a dose of reality that we are REALLY having a baby! I do get to see her pregnant belly and I lay my hands on it to feel all the movements (can we say future gymnast!) but for some reason seeing the crib with the baby doll her Daddy picked out for her just thrilled me.

They are sampling colors to paint the walls. It is going to be a two toned room with a hand painted custom floral border done by their wonderful friend, Gretchen. The curtain is hung (also done by Gretchen) and it is so cute.

I am so thankful for this happy wonderful time in our lives. This baby is already wanted, loved, spoiled, adored, stocked with a 2 year wardrobe, outfitted with a personal library and more. All her family and friends are excitedly waiting! There is already a host of people wanting to sign-up for babysitting duties, and silly me thought I was going to be the ONLY babysitter!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Job Offer and a Ton of Feelings

Well I went on another interview on May 8, I did my best (as always) but just didn't "feel it". I thought it was another interview that would turn into nothing. I just seriously thought it was a dead end and had no clue that I was "impressive" to the two ladies who interviewed me. I liked the office, the duties weren't bad and I really liked the benefits.

I got home about two hours after the interview time, I got a call from the southeast recruiter for the company who asked me to fill out an online application and permission for a background check. He never really came right out and said they want to hire me but that they would like to receive more information from me. So I did that and about 20 mins. after hitting the send button I received a call from one of the women in the interview telling me that they were really impressed by me and would like to offer me the position. I was surprised, happy, shocked and of course accepted the job. I begin work on May 15.

So no problems right? Except I have a ton of emotions which I don't understand. I know, I know, I should be thrilled but I feel... sad that I won't be home during my granddaughters first days. I was secretly hoping for my husband to find work first so that I could be available to help out my daughter and love up my new granddaughter when she is born. I feel...dread that I am having to start all over again. I feel...anxious, nervous, excited, hopeful, cautious, and scared just to name a few emotions.

I so want to just feel grateful that a job finally opened up to me. I pray that this is where God wants me to be and it was HIS design for me. I want the feeling of peace that only HE can bring. On the bright side (and I need to look at that side more often), I am making a nice salary, I will have medical benefits on day one, and a wonderful three weeks of vacation available to me the first year - all of which is totally AWESOME and almost unheard of in this job market.

I will chalk up this mix of emotions to a long 5 months of unemployment and uncertainity. I can almost say it is like I feel spent emotionally and mentally. I pray now that I continue to walk on the path of my Lord and Savior. I still pray for Chuck to find a job and his unemployment period to be shorter than mine.

I will focus on being grateful for my family and my health. I will look at the bright side of things and concentrate on the positive. I do have SO VERY MUCH to be grateful for!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Too Pretty to Eat

I had my very good friend Tammy come over today and help me make this diaper cake for Lauren's Baby Shower. It was fun and I think that this is a gift that I am going to make for any future baby showers I go to as well. This cake will actually serve as a centerpiece so it is a decoration and a gift.

If it wasn't for this baby coming into our lives in a few months I sure would be down. I am trying so very hard not to get discouraged but all this job searching with no positive results is starting to get to me.

I have another interview tomorrow and I am still waiting to hear an answer from an interview I went on last week. Sometimes when I stop to remember that God is in control, and that He already knows the outcome and my future, I can relax in that knowledge. I just wish I could be at the end of this voyage but my wants are not important and my needs are being met. So with that thought I am thankful and grateful to my Lord.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Beautiful Saturday

Today is a nice, sunny, not too warm day here in FL. I am slowly getting around to doing the things I need and want to be doing around the house. Sort of a light spring cleaning. We are also having a Garage Sale here next Friday and Saturday, so I am going through the closets and gathering stuff - we have too much stuff!

My daughter, her (and my new) friend Maggie, and I went shopping on Thursday, and picked up the decorations, invitations and misc. for the Baby Shower. We have a few more items to get, put we put a huge dent in the list of "Things to Do".

We settled on a date, time, menu, and all the other little things that make for a baby shower. It was so much fun and so enjoyable that I can honestly say this is one of the happiest times of my life! Thank you God.

Chuck had an interview yesterday, and although a formal job offer isn't in front of him... it looks good. I pray that this is indeed what the Lord wants for him. Chuck is such a hard working, good and honest employee that I pray he finds the job that will bring him contentment and fulfillment. I am praying that God's Will be done not ours. He is supposed to meet again on Monday with the man who could be his supervisor. So I will keep you posted on that development.

I am learning to be calm and actually embrace this quiet time in my life. I can honestly say my new granddaughter-to-be is bringing me so much joy that who has time to be stressed?

Monday, April 14, 2008

NC Family

We just returned from a quick trip to Wake Forest, NC to visit family. Chuck's dad is not doing well and we want to try and see him as often as we can before he leaves us.

We love to visit with the rest of the family as well and this time we got to meet our newest family member - our great-nephew Vaden. Our niece Melissa and her husband, Randy, had Vaden about 3 1/2 weeks ago. He is a precious little guy and it was awesome to be able to see him so soon. It made me all the more excited about our future granddaughter.

We stayed with Chuck's sister, Eileen and our brother-in-law Jerry and their happy, bustling house of children. It is never quiet nor dull there and I always feel welcomed and loved when there. There is something special about the Mestas Family and you feel it as soon as you are welcomed into the house. They also have the best desserts around :)

While up in NC, I found out that I didn't get the third job I had interviewed for and although it wasn't really even something I wanted that bad, the rejection hurt all the same. I was reminded by Eileen, that God is Good and He has something in store for us. She also reminded me that we really only need our daily bread and HE has most certainly provided that for us all along.

I feel grateful for my life and although this time of unemployment and uncertainty is not what I would have chosen for us, I am so at peace today and even excited to see where God is leading us.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Stike Two and So What!

I have heard my second "no" in regards to the three interviews I have been on recently. Both times I have been told that I 'lacked the experience and knowledge in certain software programs' that they were looking for. I was told that I was a second choice and a strong candidate and the decision was hard but they went with the knowledge the other applicants held.

Was I disappointed? Yes, of course I was but I have this overwhelming feeling of peace (THANK YOU, LORD) in fact I am starting to wonder if I may be enjoying this time off a little too much!! I am still waiting to hear from one more potential employer but if that doesn't come through then it will be 3 strikes but like my husband said, "that just means I am getting closer to hearing a YES". No news other than that on the job front. Chuck is still looking. I am still looking. We just need to be found!

Oh yeah and in this game, 3 strikes does NOT mean......"You're Out" it means "So What".

Saturday, March 29, 2008

In God's Hands

Just realized it has been a while since I last posted. Time goes so fast and even without a job I am always busy with something or another. Things have been quiet as far as the job searches are going. I did go on another interview for a second potential employer. I have been told that there are between 100 and 400 applicants for the two jobs I have interviewed for which makes me feel good that at least I am sitting there for an actual interview. But it is almost unbelievable to me that there are that many people trying for just one position. That knowledge sort of reinforces that we are in unsure and scary times.

On a lighter and much happier note...our daughter Lauren, came over the other evening and I was shocked how much bigger her baby belly has gotten. She is 23 weeks along. My husband and I took a turn feeling the baby move inside her. That simple act brings a joy to our hearts and a smile to our faces. That little girl she is holding moves like she is running on a treadmill. I wonder if we are in for a little dark haired dynamo?

I should be hearing this next week responses from the two interviews I have been on. HE knows our situation and HE knows what we need. I know it is all in God's hands and that is where I leave it.

Until next time.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A Peaceful and Beautiful Hobby

I just had to show off what Chuck has made. He took stained glass classes a few months ago. This is a craft that he and I have always admired and wanted to do. The classes were a bit pricey, so since he is a better hands-on learner and I do better by reading and researching (the anal part of me) on the internet and by borrowing library books I ended up learning quite a bit that way. I figured he is there to show me in person any way. We still have so much to learn and I am sure trial and error is a great teacher.

Our dining room has quite literally been transformed to a workshop and office. But since we are not formal diners any way, we now use this room more then ever. Chuck has an awesome workstation built and I have taken over the table as the new job search station.

So for Chuck's second project he took on the Celtic Cross you see in the picture. His first project was the 6x6 Dragonfly beginner's project that you make in class. So when he showed his instructor what he was going to tackle for his next project she told him that it was"VERY AMBITIOUS". Now Chuck being who he is didn't waiver at all and look at the beautiful finished project coincidently finished on St. Patrick's Day. Oh how I love this new hobby of ours.

I am good at foiling, picking colors, finding good prices, ordering supplies and generally choosing the "next" project. In other words.... I am the cheering section. Next I will work my way to cutting and grinding the glass but the soldering skills could take me a while as that looks a little tricky. Eventually I plan to do it all and then I have visions of traveling to art festivals and selling our art and earning a living that way. We will buy a huge motor home, travel the states and live happily ever after!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Thinking About What Really Matters

While sleeping in this morning, two phone calls came in - both for Chuck and both with news that wasn't exactly uplifting. Both calls were from different companies and possible job leads. One caller said his company "is under a hiring freeze" and the other caller said "we will keep you in mind but things are tight right now". Naturally I was tempted to feel down.

Saying a prayer what came to me was this - "BE STILL AND KNOW I AM". Now me being me, I tried to analyze that further and what came clear was: don't THINK I AM or HOPE I AM but..... BE STILL AND KNOW. So I rolled over and peacefully fell back to sleep. I need to share this with Chuck as I know he is feeling down about those two calls as well.

The other thing that came to me is keeping what we know in perspective and remembering what really matters. We have our health, each other and the love of our family. I have attached a picture of my mom and brother and us. We are missing Ben (son-in-law) in this picture and of course the baby bump (aka my future grand-daughter) but I had to share a small portion of what really matters!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Clothes Galore

What a blast I had washing, ironing and organizing my future granddaughter's clothes. I know, I know, I am easy to please not to mention extremely anal - I love to clean and organize (weird I know). The clothes pictured are sizes newborn to 3 months. The clothes, blankets, towels, bibs, burp cloths, etc. are gifts from Donna and Paul (Ben's dad and stepmom), Great Grandma Linda, and their friend Gretchen. Some stuff was bought by Mommy-to-be Lauren and the other stuff was picked up by me at a really neat consignment store that I found. The sleep gowns, onesies and newborn clothes are like new and I plan to frequent this consignment store just as often as I can.

So far my Baby Cakes has clothes in the newborn to about the 6 mo. stage (picture attached) and then another huge amount in the 6-9 mos. stage and a few items in the 12 to 2T stage. Not too shabby for a baby not even due till July.

Oh thank you Lord, for this tremendous blessing in our life! I am over the moon excited.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

It's Official

Chuck got the official notice of lay-offs today from management. The waiting is over. We knew it was coming, it was just a matter of when so at least that part of this journey we are through. Not too sure we feel any different on this side of knowing.

He filed for unemployment and continued to make calls and do some job searching online. He is doing all he should be... especially saying lots of prayers. In fact, we both have been doing all we should be in a search for a new job so we can rest in "for today Lord, I did my best".

Let me tell you about one little dog who is thrilled that I have been home. Blu, my little miniature poodle is loving the daily company. He used to be left alone all day while we were away at work with only the radio as company, so now I can't leave his sight. He usually sits right up in the dining room in the chair next to mine while I am working on the laptop. If I get up to do anything he jumps down and follows me even if it means I am up only for a nano-second. Now that Chuck will be home temporarily it may be complete bliss for him! He is my dog technically but I think his heart belongs to Chuck. He loves to curl up in a ball and just sit on Chuck's chest - he would try to sit under his neck if he was allowed to.

We have an older poodle too. Toby is his name, he is going on 15 years old and he is suffering with blindness, deafness, and a bit of dementia but so far his appetite is good and he is not in any pain. As long as I don't move the furniture around (which I used to do quite often) he can get around. Blu drives him crazy sometimes trying to get him to play but Toby holds his own and does his bark and Blu walks away only to try again the next day. I am not a "poodle person" and I never thought I would own a poodle but they are so smart, don't shed (biggest plus in my book) and are loyal as can be. As long as the groomer never ever does the foo-foo poufy cut on my poodles all is well!

Well I give my thanks to the Lord, for another glorious day and ask that He protect us and guide us tomorrow:)

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Huffing and Puffing All the Way

Happy Saturday - we have some glorious weather here in Florida right now. The kind where I can open windows and doors and enjoy a cool breeze. Rare are these days in FL, so we are in heaven. We have low to no humidity and cool temps and anyone who knows us knows that we LOVE IT like this. I told you before...we are living in the wrong State.

For free entertainment, Chuck and I hopped on our bikes and rode to Gemini Springs ( we are lucky enough to be able to bike to the trail from the house) to enjoy the bike trails. It has been a while since I did anything more physical than clean the house and wash the car so let's just say I was huffing and puffing my way through the trail. It felt good to finally pull up to the house and get off that bike. My legs were complete rubber and I almost fell to the ground (yeah it was funny) and my rear end was numb but for today I did it! Now the trick is to keep at it and I am not too good at that trick. Chuck is my great motivator, he has the perseverance and drive that I lack. He is a great cheerleader minus the skirt and pom-poms!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend, we are!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Just For Today

So in my profile I briefly mentioned I am unemployed due to layoffs and have been since Dec 28. Did I mention that my husband is about to be laid off as well? Do I even have to tell you I am scared and wondering "NOW WHAT?" I never ever imagined that at the age of 47, my husband and I would be scrambling for jobs.

I am a believer in the Lord and I want to be able to say I trust Him but this is where it gets tricky. You see, I was always under the impression that fear is a lack of faith, so this must mean I lack faith and trust? I know in my heart things will be okay. What I don't know is how and I don't know when but I know...IT WILL BE OKAY.

I just don't know how to relax and let go of this overwhelming fear of the unknown. Will we have to work at menial jobs and make menial dollars after having some pretty decent careers? Should I jump into anything? Will my husband find something that makes him happy? Do we have a right to expect to be happy?

I know we are not alone. In our small circle of family, friends and neighbors, we know at least a half dozen people who are unemployed or working at jobs they are about to lose. Our President says we are not in a recession but some of the signs sure point to it so I am having a hard time with those words.

I made up my mind in my conversation with God today that I will focus on "just for today to do all I can to be the best me" That includes job searching, dealing with friends, family and strangers and not looking ahead too far with a negative view. So my prayer is "Lord, just for today, let me make You proud of me."

Thursday, February 28, 2008

On Your Mark...Get Set...GO!

I just took my lane and decided to start running (blogging). Not sure where this will go but it looks like fun. My name is Cyndee, and I am a native Californian (San Gabriel Valley) who has been living in Florida (Central FL) since Dec. 1991, which is a long time when you hate the extreme heat tied in with extreme humidity (what am I doing in this State?).

I am married to my soulmate Chuck and he is a wonderful and a very hard working man. We have been married since 1983 and we have a beautiful daughter.

Our now married daughter is about to have her own baby this July. It had been a bumpy journey for daughter and son-in-law but they are pregnant! They just found out the baby is a precious girl and the tech. said all her parts, bones and measurements look great. We are so excited and needless to say we are over-joyed and thrilled about becoming first time grandparents. Thank you, Lord.

This is already a year of tremendous ups and downs but my husband and I make a great team and we love our daughter, Lauren and son-in-law, Ben and can't wait to love our little "Baby Cakes" (that is what I am calling her for now) :) Isn't she just beautiful! We have so much to be thankful for.

So welcome to my blog.