Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Happy News and Updates

I have been away lately and for very good reasons. Our granddaughter was born July 22, at 9:11 p.m. and it has been busy around here since. I was able to be there for the birth and had the great privilege of cutting her cord. Her daddy gets a little squeamish and decided to let me have the honor. Mommy did just wonderful and was a real trooper and literally pushed her out in 40 minutes. Our beautiful Allison Olivia is here and she is such a joy.

We had a hard time deciding what to be called as grandparents, since both of our parents are known as "Grandma and Grandpa" and it seems weird for us to take those same names. So Chuck will be known as "Papa" and I am leaning towards "Mama". I know Allison will call us what she wants but if I keep referring to ourselves as Papa and Mama, it may just stick.

Chuck's job seems to be going well and he seems to like it. He is on his second week and like I say "so far...so good". My job is getting busier as the Company let someone go and of course some of that person's duties are now mine. I will continue to remind myself that I am lucky to have a job and try very hard not to complain that my pay remains the same while the workload increased.

There is much to be thankful for and I am.